SB-FEC-1736 Fully Automatic End Cutting Machine (Curtain Panel Cutting)

>>>SB-FEC-1736 Fully Automatic End Cutting Machine (Curtain Panel Cutting)
SB-FEC-1736 Fully Automatic End Cutting Machine (Curtain Panel Cutting)2024-10-29T07:24:20+00:00

Project Description

SB-FEC-1736 Fully Automatic End Cutting Machine (Curtain Panel Cutting)

This equipment is mainly used in the preparation steps of curtain panels. From a roll of fabric, operator is able to set the length of each curtain panel, as well as number of panels required for cutting. With its built-in counter device, the machine will count the number of cutting of panel and stop at the required total amount of curtain panel required. Each panel will will stacked nicely on the conveyor belt and after the total number of curtain panel has been reached, the stacked curtain panel will be transported to the end of the conveyor belt ready for the next process.

The approximated production capacity is 4 pieces of curtain panel per minute (on a 2000mm curtain length and 1400mm curtain width)

Technical Parameter
Model No SB-FEC-1736   /  SB-FEC-3636
Power 4200 W
Voltage 220V – 1PH / 380V – 3PH
Max. Cutting Width 1700mm   /   3600mm
Cutting Length 500mm – 3600mm
Max. Cutting Thickness 0.5mm – 5mm
Max. Stack Layer After Cutting 80mm
Pulling Fabric Speed 200mm / sec
120mm 610 kg